Tuesday, November 30, 2010

~Quotes from the Classroom #4~

*I have spent ALOT of time taking care of children! I have been a nanny, a first grade teacher, and a preschool teacher. Throughout my experience I have been delighted to hear many hilarious quotes from children as they try to understand the world around them. Many times I have been able to take a little life lesson away for myself from their observations.*

Today's quote came from one of my favorite little people ever-Mr. G. This kid was always up to something, and usually it was something hilarious! This particular moment happened while we were outside playing on the playground.

ME: noticing G approaching with cupped hands and PRAYING it was not some sort of insect-"What go you have there G?"

G: showing me his empty hands-"It's a tiny horse named, Little Foot, cause he has TINY FEET! You can be his mommy!"

ME: "Well thank you G!"

G: "Yeah, he's too small to fly, but HE can POOP a RAINBOW!!!!!"

There are only about a million observations and life applications I could make about this particular quote. Mostly regarding how sometimes it seems like we can't succeed and are just making messes everywhere only to discover that it actually is a well orchestrated plan that is very beautiful-blah, blah, blah-ha! BUT, since this is my favorite quote, and obviously open to a myriad of analysies-ha, I will leave the final interpretation up to you!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

~A Day in Pictures: A Virginia Thanksgiving~

I spent the night before Thanksgiving house/dog sitting for a couple at church, so my routine was not what it would usually be. I woke up and went for a quick run in the neighborhood.

There were mountains everywhere, and it was COLD!

This sweet puppy joined me!
(don't let my poor picture taking skills fool you-the dog is not possessed , and actually very sweet-ha!)
I had a SWEET quiet time on the back porch, and then got ready to go spend Thanks giving with this sweet girl....
I walked into the house to find Amelia watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! How sweet to get to pass on traditions! I think we BOTH enjoyed dancing around to the musical performances;)!
I also found this picture on the table....

Apparently my sister, Danielle had asked her husband Robert to ship a package to Amelia, and he sent his own special gift! If you notice he has labeled himself, and Danielle in the picture....what can I say...He is special-ha!

Robert's actual family-ha!
We missed them SO much, and cannot wait to see them at Christmas!
After the parade, we got ready and set out to find some Thanksgiving Dinner!
Amelia says, "Let's get Going!"
Since it was just the three adults and Amelia, cooking a full Thanksgiving meal seemed a little ambitious! We let these people cook it for us...

Couldn't ask for a better Thanksgiving Table mate!

(this was the first picture we took. it wasn't perfect, but I loved Amelia's expression! She was SO sweet and smiling to everyone!)

Picture Fun Time: Take Two!

Deciding what to eat is a serious job!

Jennifer and Micah
Parents of Amelia, and Virginia Family to Me!

Soon, the food came, and picture time was put on hold....

Jennifer and Micah got the Thanksgiving Dinner, and both said it was delicious!
I am not a fan of Turkey, so I went a different direction...

SERIOUSLY! There was SO MUCH food! I am ashamed to say I ate most of it!
(true story:when I first ordered I asked for the Cornbread Dressing instead of Green Beans, but then realized my whole plate would be BEIGE...a big no, no according to nutritionists everywhere! So, out of respect for health I ordered the butter covered Green Beans instead-ha!)
We came home where we took a little break from all the eating, and festivities before we got into a little of this...
That is Pumpkin Cheesecake! Thanks to the cooking talents of my bro-in-law, Micah!
I guess we needed a little sustenance to get us through the next thing on our agenda....

White Christmas!!!!
I LOVE this movie! Nothing says Family and Holidays more to me than this movie!
Jen, Danielle, and I grew up with this movie, and could sing you the "Sisters" song complete with some awesome moves;)!
Sadly, we were all so tired we didn't make it through the whole movie! We will have to try again when we are not on the verge of a food induced coma!
It was a nice first Thanksgiving in Virginia, but I CAN'T WAIT to have a Georgia Christmas!
"For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, November 25, 2010

~Thursday Thanksgiving Thanks: Redemption Song~

"The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground, he makes me dwell in darkness like those long dead....(BUT) the morning bring(s) me word of Your UNFAILING LOVE, for I have put my trust in you...to you I lift up my soul!"

Psalms 143:3,8

Today I am BURSTING with Thanksgiving! For this very special day set aside to give thanks, my heart is full of joy to the LORD! I am thankful because PRAISE the LORD, He does not leave His children as they are! Chained and burdened by sin and regret for past actions. Conniving and striving for self promotion and adoration. Lost and confused in a sea of choices. Broken, disappointed, prostituted by/for those people or things or achievements who were supposed to be love, security and salvation. Pursued, crushed to the ground, dwelling in darkness like those long dead....

BUT, the morning brings word of the LORD's unfailing love!!!!

"When I awake I am still with you Lord"~Ps. 139:18

"You hem me in, O LORD,-behind and before you have laid your hand on me."~Ps. 139:5

"I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For HE has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness"~Is. 61:10

"I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me for I HAVE REDEEMED YOU!"~Is. 44:22

"I, the LORD, will remove the names of the other gods from her lips..." Hos. 2:17

"...the LORD has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners...to bestow a crown of beauty for ashes, oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~ Is. 61:3

"...Christ gave himself up for her (His People) to make her holy, cleansing her by washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as RADIANT, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, BUT HOLY and BLAMELESS." ~ Eph. 5:26,27

"We have escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth!"~Ps. 124:7,8


*I promise a fun and easy post with pictures and few words tomorrow-ha:)*

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Smell of Macy's

A couple of weeks ago- before I had found a job and life in Virginia was still feeling new and unsettled-I got up in the morning and declared to my sister, Jennifer, that I needed to go smell Macy's. I know that probably sounds SO weird-ha! But, I was being totally serious. Neither of us had any money to spend, but I just knew that a little trip to walk around Macy's would do our displaced selves a world of good. And, you know, I was totally right!

The smell of the mall will always have a special place in my heart. The Chick-fil-A competing with The Pretzel Shop and the required Candle Shop all mixed together with the scent of new merchandise just makes me happy, and NO place in the mall am I more comforted than in Macy's. There is something about the way the perfume counter's aromas mingle with the new shoes and clothes that speaks to me of a 1,000 childhood memories.

My very earliest memories of walking through Macy's are of annual Christmas shopping trips my sisters and I would take with my mom and her mother, my Grandmother Katherine. Not a Christmas season passed that did not find us walking through the old Northlake Mall in Atlanta, GA. I would walk hand-in-hand with my Grandmother as she would take me and my sisters to see the battery powered toy dogs walking and flipping and barking in the Toy Store, to check out the Santa sitting in the center of the mall's North Pole, to get Chick-fil-A nuggets in the food court, and always to stop by Macy's to pick-up some gift or another for a family member. To my little mind there could be NO place more awesome!

As the years have gone by, and the loss and gain of family members has changed our Christmas traditions, our Christmas Mall trips have remained constant for us girls and my mom. Even when there is not an abundance of money, we can be fully content to just walk around and enjoy the hustle and bustle of the season. In some ways it is a little remainder of my sweet grandmother, and in others it is a way to hold onto tradition in the merry-go-round of homes and people that time and marriage and divorce can bring to the holidays.

This year I am struck by the fact that it will be me and my sister's turn to hold little hands as we introduce Amelia and Penelope to the Christmas shopping experience. We will be the ones taking them by the toy store to check out the computer powered toy dogs walking and flipping and barking in the Toy Store window,to gaze at Santa Clause in his North Pole, to stop by Chick-fil-A for a lemonade and some waffle fries, and to-yes-go smell Macy's. My hope is that in years to come the girls' will also be able to walk into a Macy's and be flooded with a comfort that only the aroma of good memories can produce. And, that-like a good memory-despite the effect time and change may have on their Christmas traditions, the knowledge and joy of the love of their family in this season-no matter how confusing and crazy they may seem- will never fade. And, maybe one day their Aunt Michelle will have more money, and can actually buy them presents instead of just take them to look at where the presents come from-ha! Of course, the memories are more valuable and last longer than the toys!

"Pleasure is the flower that passes; remembrance the lasting perfume."

~Jean de Boufflers

Monday, November 22, 2010

~ Quotes from the Classroom: #3~

*I have spent ALOT of time taking care of children! I have been a nanny, a first grade teacher, and a preschool teacher. Throughout my experience I have been delighted to hear many hilarious quotes from children as they try to understand the world around them. Many times I have been able to take a little life lesson away for myself from their observations.
Today's quote was from a sweet little boy during free play. He was pretty shy, so I didn't get to get in on his observations very often. This, however, is PRECIOUS!
S: "Ms. Michelle! Did you know that I can turn off the lights USING ONLY MY EYES!?!?"
ME: "No, can I you show me!?!"
S: -closes his eyes for a moment, and then opens them-"DID YOU SEE IT!?! Sometimes I can turn them off and on REALLY FAST!!! I just have to blink my eyes, quick!"
How sweet is that!?! The lesson I came away with from this child's observation is this: sometimes I feel like I am stumbling around with out direction and in total darkness. Not always a deep, dark thing-sometimes just confusion as to what is going on in my life and the life of others. Then one day something happens and it's like "BOOM" it all makes sense! Often in these times my eyes have been closed to what God is doing, and when I open them-I find that the lights have been on the whole time!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Day in Pictures: Relaxation

" How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward."
~Spanish Proverb~

The above-save a little exercise and a quick run to Walmart-is where I spent most of my day! This is what I call my "Squishy" Chair. It was given to me by a guy I was dating, and-despite the very overly dramatic break-up;)-I would do the relationship all over again if in the end I got this chair-ha!

I spent some time doing a little of this....

....and reading a little of this. I first read the Love Comes Softly series when I was 12yrs. old. I LOVED it then, and I LOVE it now almost 18yrs later! It is a comfortable, easy read-just right for today ( I did NOT like the movies based on this series, but I think it's just cause I loved the books so much).

It was a very nice, lazy Saturday after a first week of work that included a almost 10 hour day and a couple of almost nine hour days!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

~Thursday Thanks: Long Week~

Today I am thankful that it is Thursday-ha!
The first weeks of work are always the hardest. Trying to figure out what all you are supposed to be doing, making mistakes, asking LOTS of questions, and getting your rhythm with the people around you. So far things have gone pretty well. They are kind of creating a new position for me as they go-I will be around to do jobs these super busy people just can't get to. Plus, helping out as much as I can with the phones and cashiering. Since there isn't really a designated spot for me, I have found myself at loose ends a couple of times-BUT, I know with time we will figure it out, and it will all run smoothly!

Anyways, all this to say-I am glad it is Thursday! The first week is almost over, and hopefully next week will go even better! I am looking forward to the weekend to kind of sit down with myself and process the days (I am SUCH a girl-ha-I have to review and organize my thoughts or they will never quiet!). I think it goes without saying, that I am SO thankful for this job. I am SO thankful to be tired, and looking forward to the weekend:)! I feel blessed to have this job, and just continue to pray that the LORD will be honored through me in this. I usually have viewed jobs only as a means to pay MY bills and to serve MY needs. After this time of unemployment, I am really seeing what a gift this job is, and my prayer is to really see the people I am working with/for. I really hope to be able to serve them. So far my nerves and pride have been winning my days:(, but the morning is new-and it's just another reason I am thankful today is Thursday, tomorrow is Friday, and then it is WEEKEND time!

All-in-all, I think this week has been difficult. I have struggled more with myself -anxiety, desire to be well liked, temptation to seek attention(oh, yes, that is still a battle I have to PRAY about;), FEAR of being disliked or unsuitable for the job, etc...-more than I have struggled with the actual job, but I am glad for this:

"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions NEVER fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness(oh, LORD)."

Lamentations 3:21-23

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Have a Job! YAY!

So, I started work today! YAY! Let me tell you there have definitely been moments over the past couple of months that made me wonder if this day would EVER come-ha!

I began to prepare for my big day last night-you know cause I think I am going to iron my clothes and make my lunch the night before for about ONE day, and then I am back to rushing in the mornings-ha! I made sure I had my outfit planned. When I was hired, the only thing the man would tell me about my attire was to be professionally casual, wear slacks, and make sure I had on COMFORTABLE shoes-ha! I guess he wasn't too impressed with the stilettos I wore in my interview. Thus, I decided that neat and tidy over fashionable and done up would be the best bet for the first day on the job (ex: super cool outfit in awesome picture-ha). Anyways, I had it all planned out and ready to go by 8pm, watched a little Duggars special on TLC, and was lights out by 9pm.-had to get good sleep, and Im pretty much a granny-ha!

I knew I was in trouble when the first hour of being in bed was spent battling nerves. I NEVER do well walking into new situations....I am in my heart a shy person, and it just makes me SO anxious. Then there was a baby who decided last night from 1am-3am would be optimum SCREAMING time-ha! When I was first woken up with screaming, I had very kind thoughts of maybe spending the time in prayer (for poor Jen and Micah rocking that baby, plus other things)-this lasted about half an hour. Around two I was in PLEADING mode that Amelia Please. Go. To. Sleep! And, by 2:30 when a dog began to go ballistic just as it seemed Amelia was quieting-I have to be honest-was bumped up to the cuss word mode!

Thankfully, I was finally able to rest, and woke up on time and ready to start my first day here.

The GLORIOUS Honda dealership! I must say, for the most part the day went well. I really like my boss, and felt comfortable with the tasks I was given. I don't have it all down by ANY means, but I can tell with a little practice I will be just fine:). The people were nice as well. I am working in the service department, so it is alot of maintenance guys and just a couple of girls. I liked everyone, and just hope that they are not thinking-who let this prissy girl in here!-ha! I think the highlight of my day came at lunch. I share a break room with the guys, so it was just me, one other lady, and about six guys. Lets just say there was some mustard spreading on cold pizza and-no lie- some dip spitting at the table-hah!

Either way, today I have a job, and that makes me....


*these were a couple of verses I read while I was in the unemployment phase-they just encouraged me so much to persevere even when I wanted to give up, and that the LORD would see me through! *

"...Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings of eagles; they will run(job hunt;) and not grow weary, they will walk (work) and not grow faint."

Is. 40:31

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Quotes from the Classroom: #2

(this is a picture of a picture-sorry it's a little blurry. I still couldn't find my preschool pics :(, but could not bring myself to use stranger preschooler pic again-ha!)

Today's quote from the classroom took place during after school care. I was watching one of my sweet girls as she worked on a particularly complicated (for a four year old) craft project. I was impressed with her ability to accomplish the task that the other kids had needed help on. This little girl did not come from the best background, and I often feared that time and environment would take its toll on this child's potential and sweet disposition. It was with this in mind that I tried to encourage her every chance I got!

: "You know ~N~ you are so smart you could be anything when you grow up! A teacher or a doctor or....."

N:"or..or a BUTTERFLY!?!?!"

Oh, for this little girl who has all odds against her-that she could break out and be that butterfly that God would have her to be!!!

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
"17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! "

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Day in Pictures: Kids Change Everything....

My original plan for A Day in Pictures was to photo capture a little "I FINALLY got a job" celebration we had planned for Friday. I say "we", but it was really my sister Jen and our sweet next door neighbor, Kelli, who decided we needed to celebrate! I, of course, was all about it! We forgot one important element to our planning though....they involved children, and one thing I have learned from living with Amelia-my niece-children and plans don't always go together!

Our original plan was to get some yummy Starbucks drinks-yay!

And, take our drinks to my favorite park, so we could sip and the kids could play!

Great plan right???

The first issue came when with about ten minutes before we were scheduled to leave-Jen noticed Amelia seemed warm. Sure enough, she was running a low grade fever. We debated canceling, but decided if nothing else we could cancel the park and just get our drinks.

On the way to load us all up in the car, the visions of getting Starbucks with four kiddos waiting in line with us began to seem less than appealing! No problem, we can be flexible...! We decided a trip here would be a much easier choice...

Nothing like a Diet Dr. Pepper with Vanilla added to celebrate some employment
So, I squeezed myself in between Kelli's two sweet boys in the back seat, and anticipated some Sonic ice goodness! The trip was going fine, although the boys were definitely ready to get out of the car and play-I can't blame them, poor things were SQUISHED with me in the back seat-ha!-, but they were sweet and talkative. We were minutes from Sonic when Amelia decided to throw up (bless her heart). At this point, we knew this celebration time was NOT going to happen. Poor Amelia started crying which started Kelli's tender hearted little girl to have a few tears (she couldn't stand it that her friend was upset), and ended with one of the little boys looking at me and saying "Oh, since Amelia threw up-we can go home and play now!"-ha! gotta love little boys:)!

So, Kelli being a trooper-and not letting me go without my celebration-dropped us all off, and let me play with her precious kids while she went BACK to Sonic to get our drinks!-whew! Kids make things so much more interesting-ha!

We ended up having fun playing, getting to have our Sonic drinks, AND having a little treat ! THANK YOU KELLI!

(this is just a picture I found of our goodness...I would show you the real thing, but somebody ate it already-ha!)

So, since Friday's picture fun didn't exactly work out, I thought I would take some pictures of where I like to go running, enjoy getting the house straight while Jen, Micah, and Amelia headed to Roanoke, and then head to Kohls to take advantage of some of their sales(I need "slacks" for work....not sure what constitutes a slack exactly....)

(Kohl's coupons were the first bit of mail I ever got in Virginia...I don't know how they found me, but I am glad they did-ha!)

But, alas, there was another change of plans....

(oh how I love this little girl!)

This poor little girl was still not feeling well:(. So, my plans changed a bit.

Instead of going to Starbucks for a egg-nog latte, I made one at home instead!

-Not as good as Starbucks-of course-but still yummy and about 21grams less in fat!-

I was able to take my coffee outside on the back porch , and enjoy this view...


I still cleaned a bit. It was not in my usual order since I had to consider other people in the house, but it got done and that is what matters! I could NOT start work on Monday with disorganization-I am a little bit OCD like that-ha!

With the change of plans, I was also able to devote time to FINALLY digging through moving boxes to find my antique candle holders.

I really like how last week's honey comb candle purchase looks in them!

Still got to eat one of my FAVES for lunch! Always a good going out-to-eat alternative. I LOVE Subway!

Amelia and I got to cuddle up and watch a little Harry Potter!
(I must confess I am a huge fan, and can NOT wait to see the new movie in theaters even if I have to go alone like the big dork I am-ha!!)

Even though it was a change of plans couple of days, and kids definitely make things harder to plan-I wouldn't trade either day! Cause this baby....

Totally worth it!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

~Thursday Thanks: Dedicated to Lil' Civ.~

Today's' Thursday Thanks is dedicated to the one thing (object) that has remained constant and reliable over the last ten years, my Honda Civic-aka "Lil' Civ.". Over countless moves, school changes, life changes I could always hop in Civ and find a sense of balance. Twice she was loaded up with all my belongings, while I lived on couches and tried to figure out what was next. She was there as I drove the long road from home back to Florida after I found out divorce was changing my family, she held up on that same road from Florida to home after a broken engagement changed my plans, and she was along for the adventure when I chose to pick up and go back to school with only a week to spare to find a place to live, apply, and register for classes.
No matter what happened, she was always there to offer a safe and private place to nurse wounds, have tantrums, sing at the top of my very terrible voice, and car dance to my hearts' content. I knew I would always be welcome to jump in,turn up the music, listen to the day pass through open windows, and just drive. A lot of life happened in that little car, and I will forever be grateful for how dependable and easy she was for me. She never left me stranded or cost me much money in repairs, and managed to get to a gas station on past empty -and just my encouragement that she could make it-ha-many a time. Lil' Civ. was my first car, and I am thankful for how patient she was with me as I grew and matured and figured out how to handle the responsibility of having a vehicle. Not a day went by that when I saw Civ. in my driveway my heart didn't swell with thanks.
When I decided to make the move to Virginia it became very clear that Lil' Civ was not going to be making this journey. She was getting older and it was quite a drive from Georgia to Virginia. So, it was with many conflicted emotions I chose to sell Lil' Civ and come to Virginia car-less. It was difficult to let go of the freedom and stability Civ. offered me, and to lose all the memories that came along with her. But-alas-sell her I must, little did I know that her effect in my life was not over.
Tuesday of this week-after 124 days of job hunting-I decided to get up, get dressed, print out my resume, and pound some pavement. I knew there was a Honda dealership right up the street from me, and- with memories of my Lil' Civ. in mind-I walked in the door and asked if they were hiring. I was immediately given an application, and before I knew it sitting down with the manager of the dealership. We chatted for a bit, and I watched as he listened to me tell him about my first car. The 1997 Honda Civic DX I spent over a year saving up for, and the next ten sharing life with. He totally got me. We chatted a while longer, and -after a few phone calls and connections-I received a phone call this morning telling me that as of Monday I will no longer be jobless but a proud employee of Honda! HALLELUJAH!!!!-ha!
I did not plan on moving to Virginia to work for a car dealership. In fact,my only plan was to work for a local university where I could receive my Masters' degree for free. As time has gone by, I have become more convinced that God can use any job to accomplish what He desires. Things don't have to necessarily look the way I planned them in order for them to be good and working towards a future! This is a good job with benefits and advancement opportunities, and I know nothing but PEACE in accepting the position! I know God is in control, and He is the one I praise! But, I am also thankful for His giving me Lil' Civ. for all those years, cause without her story-I may very well still be unemployed-ha:)!

"Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new.
It's bursting out! Don't you see it? " Is. 43:19(a)-The Message

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Creepy or Not...?

I think there may be an abnormal amount of things that creep me out. Here are just a few....am I crazy or are these creepy?


I will be honest, most of the time I enjoy watching their family. They genuinely seem like very nice people. BUT, sometimes the sheer volume of their family gets to me, and all those kids running around make me feel a little creeped!


I know this is a weird phobia, but long-black hair weirds me out. I read a book when I was a teenager of a woman whose husband would wear a long, black wig and secretly watch her at night (aaahhh-that creeps me out just to write!- this was a Mary Higgins Clark book-by the way-not something usually too scary.) After watching The Ring, it was a sealed deal that I could not handle long, black hair. (My sister, Danielle, used to have long hair she dyed black. She would TERRORIZE me, and I am not quite sure I have forgiven her yet-ha!).

I think my dislike of these commercials has been well documented, but seriously...am I the only one????


Having been a nanny, a preschool teacher, and now helping with my niece Amelia-I have had my fair share of exposure to children's programming. Can I just say, some of the programs out now are JUST creepy!

Thankfully Sesame Street is still pretty good, but I sure do miss Reading Rainbow! I would much rather watch that with the kiddos! All, I can say is, "Come Back Lavar! Children's Television needs you!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On Dating the Devil

My entrance into the dating scene didn't really kick-off until college. Having managed to survive high school without the usual relationship traumas, I guess I was ready to make up for lost time (I don't know how else I could explain the flirting, 'cause OH MY SHAME at all the flirting. I cringe to this day!). From the get-go I displayed an uncanny ability to date the most inappropriate and unsuitable guys!

I would begin my relationships knowing that the other guy was interested, knowing that I was NOT interested(for obvious reasons such as inappropriate circumstances or unsuitable character-not that I was such a catch...have I mentioned all the flirting??), and believing it to be the perfect way for me to meet my need to be wanted without chancing becoming attached or being vulnerable (God? He didn't even factor into the equation). Much to the detriment of my plans, I always overestimated my ability to stay detached and independent. Thus, I would find myself in relationships with guys I did NOT like, but was convinced I could not live without. What can I say? I wanted to be in control, and I was very VERY stupid (it's okay to say this. I have two sisters who will confirm it-ha!).

The problem with my approach to dating (besides the obvious), was when I was depending on my needs being fulfilled by another person-I was no longer in control . Some part of my ability to be a whole person rested on the shoulders of this other human being. You can't hold all control and be relying on another person....it just doesn't work that way. I suppose you could say I was pretty much Dating the Devil (actually at one time I thought I really was dating Satan, but it probably was just a guy who was not that nice -oh, I'm kidding! kind of...).

Like the serpent seducing Eve to eat the fruit in the Garden of Eden, I believe Satan caresses the ears of girls with the idea that they can "have it all, be in control, date carelessly, be the "god" of their dating life", or in other words-"Eat that fruit Eve, surely you will not die". The problem is...it's not true. Oh, it may be fun for a time, but in the end we always lose. Like, Eve getting kicked out of the garden, like broken hearts and empty lives, like marriages and divorce. Eventually, the things craved and sought become ash in your mouth...they sift through you...leaving you empty and hungry no matter how much you partake.

All I know is that Satan courted me like I was a lady ( I was willing to court him...I chose it), and left me like a tramp when I fell in love with his lies. I was a foolish, foolish girl. I though I could play with the poison fruit and not eat it, eat it and not die. I think many girls...many CHRISTIAN girls fall for this. They either buy the lie that without a man they can not have full contentment and joy, or that they can date on their terms and not suffer.

I am 29 years old now, and have not been on a date in three years (OK, Don't Freak Out single ladies-ha! I am NOT in anyway believing if you let God control your dating you are in for 3yrs of no dating-ha! ). It has taken almost this entire time to heal from the damage I imposed by dating my own way (this is just the damage I did to myself...I cannot begin to think of all those who were hurt by my behavior). I do not really miss the dating scene. I am wooed now by Someone who cares for me. Someone who has taken His time to heal my wounds and clean my past (Hosea 2:5-20). Someone who loved me first and forgave me everything. I know full love, contentment, and joy. My wish is that every girl could know how high, how deep, how boundless the love of God is for her. Maybe then the devil wouldn't look so good...

"Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD. He will be like a brush in the wastelands; he will not see prosperity when it comes. He will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives.

BUT blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out roots by the stream, it does not fear when heat comes, its leaves are always green, It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond all cure. Who can understand it?"
Jeremiah 17:5-9

**DISCLAIMER: of the many guys I dated, there were a couple who were excellent men. I truly respected and appreciated them in my life. I DID in fact like them before I dated them-ha! I think if anyone was the inappropriate choice in these relationships-it was me, and I am glad I had/have the chance to know them.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Quotes from the Classroom: #1

(I had BEAUTIFUL pictures of my preschool class that I wanted to use in this post, but alas after spending all morning looking and not being able to find them-here is a a picture of two preschool strangers:(!-ha...I'm going to keep looking!)

I have spent ALOT of time taking care of children! I have been a nanny, a first grade teacher, and a preschool teacher. Throughout my experience I have been delighted to hear many hilarious quotes from children as they try to understand the world around them. Many times I have been able to take a little life lesson away for myself from their observations. I thought it might be fun to share some of these with you! I give you quote #1 from an adorable little girl given during our Bible Story. I have NO idea what we were talking about that brought this up, but she seemed to think this was very relevant to our lesson for the day.
(please don't be offended:)

"My daddy just won't stop everyday pooping in the potty!"---N

The lesson is this, everybody makes mistakes everyday. So, maybe, give that dad or mom or sibling or boss or whoever a break, cause chances are high-we are not so fresh and clean of things ourselves....

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Day in Pictures: Life in Virginia

I thought it would be fun to give you a quick glimpse of my new life in Virginia!
Farmer's Market, Antique Store, Delicious Coffee, and Fall Leaves-hope you enjoy!

Me getting ready to hit the road

(do you LOVE my cheesy 16yr. old FB profile picture-ha!)

Rivermont Drive

A view from the road

I don't think you can really tell from the pictures, but these houses are REALLY old and interesting! I LOVE Virginia architecture!
(yes, I took these from inside my care...very classy!)

Down Town Lynchburg

Historical Community Market

I don't actually know what these are, but liked the colors-ha!

I wanted to buy some egg plant SO bad, but I have NO idea how to cook them

I LOVED these little bird ornaments made from scraps of paper and book pages.

If I had money and could decorate section:)

Don't you just love this little chair....

Or this adorable chandelier...

Or vintage lamp shades!?!

I would buy this darling chair in a heartbeat!

I LOVE old books...

I am a sucker for pretty crystal....

and antique teacups!
(I have actually started collecting vintage teacups and table settings for Amelia and Penelope-nieces. I hope to be able to give them as a wedding or first home gifts. I would have LOVED to have gotten these blue cups, but they were $350.00...a little more than I had planned to spend-ha!)

My one purchase
(pure bees' wax, lead free honey comb candles. They make the candles in store, and these were on sell for almost no money! I love the color and texture. I have some antique brushed iron candle holders that they are going to look AMAZING in!)

White Heart Cafe
(coffee stop)

(it was actually supposed to be a chai latte not coffee, but it was good so I just kept it-ha)

My Favorite Virginia Spot

Isn't it beautiful!?!
(it is a really old park, so it has HUGE, BEAUTIFUL trees everywhere)

Pretty View

Very Old and Scary Trestle Bridge
(it creeps me out for some reason)

All in all, I would say it was a good day!
Hope you enjoyed your quick peak of Virginia!